industry news


News from the field of geothermal power plants, LAES and much more.
October 24, 2023
Drilling commences for deep geothermal research at Weisweiler site in Germany

Drilling has started for the deep geothermal research project as part of the DGE-Rollout at the site of the Weisweiler power plant in NRW, Germany. Drilling has officially started for the first exploratory borehole for deep geothermal energy at the site of the Weisweiler lignite-fired power plant in Eschweiler at North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany. Power […]

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October 24, 2023
Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES)

Among thermo-mechanical storage, LAES is an emerging concept where electricity is stored in the form of liquid air (or nitrogen) at cryogenic temperatures. A schematic of its operating principle is depicted in Figure 1, where three key sub-processes can be highlighted, namely charge, storage and discharge. During charge, ambient air is first purified, compressed using excess electricity and […]

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October 24, 2023
Geothermal Power Plants

The contribution of renewable energy sources to the global power demand has been increasing steadily.

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October 24, 2023
Battery storage takes central role in powering net zero

State backing for renewable investments fuels growth but western nations remain dependent on Asia for supply. Often overshadowed by their counterparts in flashy electric cars, batteries for renewable energy storage are becoming increasingly important to countries’ net zero ambitions. While solar and wind energy have the benefit of reducing reliance on carbon-emitting fossil fuels, the […]

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October 25, 2023
Orsted Signs Up to Study Liquid Air Storage for Offshore Wind Power

Offshore wind giant Orsted is working with a UK-based startup in an effort to solve one of the most persistent problems for offshore wind power: storage. In stormy weather, offshore turbines can produce so much electricity that they have to be curtailed so as not to overwhelm the grid; in light airs, however, they produce […]

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